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Cover image of Ecotierra's Impact Report 2022. It depicts a colombian landscape

Impact Report 2022



This marks Ecotierra's third impact report, and we're delighted to present our significant milestones to you.

The year 2022 brought its own set of challenges, with varying outcomes across our operations and projects, each distinguished by its unique characteristics. Despite these hurdles, our team's persistent dedication, ingenuity, and collaborative spirit propelled us forward, undeterred by the daily complexities we encountered.


We take pride and express gratitude for our partners who share our values and our passionate teams who tirelessly work towards turning our vision into reality.


Our journey is an ongoing one, and we're excited to see where it takes us next!


Warm regards,


Lilia Gutiérrez

ESG Impact Department

This is a mockup of Ecotierra's impact report. It emulates a printed version of the report.
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